Celebrate Father’s Day With Gifts From the Heart

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Classroom Application
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“A father is someone you look up to no matter how tall you grow” Unknown On June 17 we honor and celebrate our fathers. Because most students are out of school for the summer, they don’t always make a small gift to bring home as many do for Mother’s Day in May.  Many of us … read more »

Tech Tool of the Month: 3×3 Links

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Tech Tool of the Month
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Isn’t it amazing how sometimes the most simple sites are also the most helpful, or even powerful? I was recently introduced to one of these gems, 3×3 Links. This bookmarking site allows you to create a 3×3 grid to organize and share websites. Once it is created, you can share with a URL.   To … read more »

An Introduction to The Social Learning Theory

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Social Learning
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Have you heard of the Social Learning Theory?  Don’t worry, I’m not going to take you back to the intro to education classes you sat through in your college days and bore you with theoretical jargon.  Rather, I am going to introduce you to a theory that I feel we must embrace as educators in the … read more »

Take 5: EdTech Temperature Check with Louise Maine

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Ed Tech Temperature Check
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This month’s ‘EdTech Temperature Check’ in five questions takes us to a famous little rural borough in the Keystone State of Pennsylvania. Early in February, the eyes of the nation were focused on Gobbler’s Knob and whether Punxsutawney Phil, a groundhog, would see his shadow…or not. Well, he did and so foretold six more weeks … read more »