International Day of Peace

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September 21 marks the 36th celebration of The International Day of Peace. Established in 1981 by the United Nations, this annual event intends to provide “a globally shared date for all humanity to commit to Peace above all differences and to contribute to building a Culture of Peace.” This year’s theme is Together for Peace: … read more »

Tech Tool of the Month:

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Tech Tool of the Month
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They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Imagine the power (and words) packed within a comic strip of engaging pictures. Comics allow you to differentiate and meet the needs of more students, especially your kinesthetic learners. You can use comics to empower struggling readers with less text. September 25th is National Comic Book … read more »

4 Free Resources for Teaching Growth Mindset

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“Whether you think you can, or think you can’t — you’re right.” Henry Ford September 13 is Positive Thinking Day. Consider it to be an excellent time to stop and think about how to develop positive thinking and attitudes in our students. One well-known method to promote positive thinking is through growth mindset. Growth mindset, … read more »

Women’s Equality Day

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Little girls with dreams become women with vision. Unknown August 26 is National Women’s Equality Day. This is when we commemorate the passage of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution granting women full and equal voting rights. Passed in 1920, this amendment is now closing in on its 100-year anniversary.  Although women enjoy full and … read more »

Summer Solstice or Meteorological Summer?

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Summer officially begins on June 21 at 12:24 AM EST. Or does it? Ask your local weatherman and he will probably say that meteorological summer began on June 1. Both explanations, based on data and science, offer interesting opportunities for exploring weather and seasons through a different perspective. To understand the difference between the two … read more »