5 Tools for Providing Authentic (and Effective) Feedback

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Research has long proven that providing students with authentic and timely feedback improves student performance and learning. In fact, the authors of this study concluded that “Feedback is among the most critical influences on student learning.” Many sites and online tools offer help with providing feedback to learners; in fact, the number of choices may … read more »

Tech Tool of the Month: Penzu

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In the fall I had a chance to get reacquainted with Penzu. It’s a great tool for writing that allows you to create a free online journal. Individual entries can be public or private which allows you to share them in many ways. Using Penzu would be an excellent way to reflect or share your … read more »

Teach Bullying Prevention All Year Long

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Last month was National Bullying Prevention Month, but educators know that bullying is an everyday issue. According to the NEA, it is the number one discipline problem in middle schools and a significant problem at all grade levels. So, how do we provide students with the safe and supportive climate for learning they deserve? Here … read more »

Using Primary Sources to Teach Thanksgiving

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There is one day that is ours. Thanksgiving Day is the one day that is purely American. O. Henry A recent TeachersFirst blog post by Paula Deal discussed the use of primary sources and suggested several resources for finding primary sources for all grade levels. What better time of year to include primary sources than … read more »

How a Transparent Classroom Leads to More Effective Parent/Teacher Conferences

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One of the big buzzwords from the 2016 elections is transparency. Wikipedia’s definition of transparency is “operating in such a way that it is easy for others to see what actions are performed.” We want our candidates to provide any and all information necessary to keep us up to date so that the public has … read more »