3 Valuable Resources for Teaching Place Value

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Last month I shared ideas on how to prepare for Math Awareness Month. That blog contains several of my favorite resources for adding “spring” to math lessons. All of those resources include wonderful ideas and suggestions for teaching math, but this month I would like to focus on the concept of teaching place value. I … read more »

Tech Tool of the Month: WriteReader

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In honor of World Storytelling Day (celebrated on March 20th), the tech tool of the month for March is WriteReader. If you aren’t familiar with World Storytelling Day, it is a global celebration of oral storytelling! On this day, people are encouraged to tell and listen to stories in as many languages as possible (and … read more »

Spring into Math Awareness Month

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April is Math Awareness Month, a celebration of the study of math and its relevance to modern life. It provides a perfect opportunity to reflect on your math teaching practices and resources and give them a good spring cleaning. Think about lessons and units you use that are stale, assessments that need refreshing, and your … read more »

Last Minute Digital Learning Day No-Tech Resources…You Can Do This!

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It never fails! It is Digital Learning Day; you’ve planned your lessons and excitement is building for all of your well thought out activities implementing technology. You prepared carefully, making sure websites work, student passwords and logins are readily available, nothing is forgotten. Then what happens? The internet is down for the day, smart boards … read more »

4 Sites for Using Trade Books in the Classroom

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Do you use trade books in your classroom? Research has proven the many benefits of using trade books for instruction. This article from Scholastic features literary successes achieved by providing students with a variety of diverse reading material. Everyone agrees that using a wide variety of reading materials is good practice. However, this provides some … read more »