World Emoji Day

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Where words fail, emojis speak. 😉 Quotebook Did ➡👤 💡 that July 1⃣7⃣ is 🗺 Emoji Day? It seems like a strange event to celebrate, but the creators believe that we use them every day, so it is worthy of an annual celebration. In fact, they chose this particular date because it is what originally … read more »

Cartoons and Comics Aren’t Just for Newspapers Anymore

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Did you know the first cartoon appeared in a U.S. newspaper way back in 1754? Benjamin Franklin’s Pennsylvania Gazette featured the political cartoon “Join or Die” on May 9, 1754. The picture showed the American colonies as a snake divided into eight pieces and presented the political point of view that the colonies should unite. … read more »

Virtual Field Trips for Arbor Day

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National Arbor Day is celebrated the last Friday in April each year. Local Arbor Day celebrations differ by state; many states observe this holiday at the best time for planting trees in their part of the country. For example, Maine observes the holiday on the third full week of May while South Carolina’s observation is … read more »

Discover the U.S. Patent Office for Kids

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Did you know that many of the very first government departments, established by our first President, George Washington, remain in place today? On April 10, 1790, just under a year after his inauguration, President Washington signed a bill placing the foundation for our current patent system. This law, for the first time, gave the rights … read more »

Teaching in the Middle

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They say that it takes a special person to teach in a middle school and most days during my career as a middle-school educator I would wholeheartedly agree with that sentiment.  Here’s why— the brain is said to be fully mature by the age of 25.  This leaves a challenge for all K-12 educators, but … read more »