6 Tools to Incorporate Technology into Winter Olympics Lessons

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The Opening Ceremony of the 2018 Winter Olympics takes place in PyeongChang, South Korea on February 9 with the featured walk of athletes from around the world. A record of over 100 medals in 15 disciplines will include four new events – big air snowboarding, freestyle skiing, mass start speed skating, and mixed doubles curling.  … read more »

Tech Tool of the Month: Write

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Tech Tool of the Month
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Every student seems to have a different opinion about writing. Some love to get their thoughts on paper and could write for an entire period, thoughts flowing out full of creativity. Then there are students who struggle to get started, find any words, or even finish a sentence. The tech tool that I am highlighting … read more »

Quick Tips for Celebrating Kid Inventor’s Day

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“To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk.” – Thomas Edison Did you resolve to implement something new into your classroom this year? Or perhaps you want to continue building on something you have already started? If so, you might want to consider celebrating Kid Inventors’ Day on January 17 with … read more »