Picture This: Using AI Tools to Bring Concepts to Life

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Educators are embracing artificial intelligence (AI) for many purposes: to increase productivity, enhance lessons, and engage students in the learning process. The number of resources and tools has grown tremendously in the past year, and additional tools appear almost daily. A quick look at TeachersFirst resources with the artificial intelligence tag reveals dozens of resources … read more »

3 Cool Tools for Read a New Book Month

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If you don’t like to read, you haven’t found the right book. J. K. Rowling Read a New Book Month (December) offers a great chance to increase students’ enthusiasm about reading. Let’s explore three cool tools you can use to help students choose a book that will fit their interests and suggest some ways they … read more »

Teaching Economics in Any Classroom: Using EconEdLink to Engage Students of All Ages

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The 1929 stock market crash and the Great Depression forever highlighted the importance of understanding economics and intelligent financial decision-making. Today’s students grow up in a world of complex financial systems that demands teaching economic literacy as a crucial life skill.  EconEdLink (reviewed here) shares many teacher-created lessons, activities, and multimedia resources to teach economics … read more »

Five Online Learning Resources for Students and Educators

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Observed annually on September 15, National Online Learning Day began in 2016. The event aims to recognize the many opportunities online learning offers for all individuals. Online learning tools provide each individual the opportunity for individual growth, make learning accessible to all students, and facilitate diversity in learning by ensuring that learning tools are available … read more »

Women Changemakers as Role Models for Students

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“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” Mother Teresa History books are lined with pages about changemakers who dared to challenge norms and expectations and rewrite rules. Unfortunately, most changemakers we read about in history books are men, so it is important to … read more »