We Have Liftoff! Using Better Lesson to Teach About Space and the Moon

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Did you know that dust busters, wireless headsets, and invisible braces link back to inventions initially intended for use in space? This interesting USA Today article shares more everyday innovations created for space use. July 20 is Space Exploration Day and Moon Day, which coincides with the annual commemoration of the first moon landing in 1969, Apollo … read more »

Learning Strategies to Boost Science Comprehension

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Not long ago, I came across this interesting article about learning strategies. The author discusses four specific strategies to improve student learning when implementing and designing lessons. The ideas came from a longer article that included many other study strategies to support student learning. Learning about strategies and implementing them into everyday lessons isn’t always easy. In addition to time … read more »

National Kindergarten Day Lesson Plans From TeachersFirst

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Kindergarten children are confident in spirit, infinite in resources, and eager to learn. Everything is still possible. Robert Fulgham German educator Friedrich Fröbel, the founder of the first play and activity institute, was born on April 21, 1782. His institute, which opened in 1837, became known as ‘kindergarten’ or children’s garden. In the United States, … read more »

Go Green for St Patrick’s Day with Skype in the Classroom

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What do St. Patrick’s Day and recycling have in common? I bet you guessed right, they both incorporate a message of green. So this year, how about going green with eco-friendly lessons on recycling? If you are familiar with Skype in the Classroom (TeachersFirst review), you already know about the many interactive offerings available to … read more »

Data, Charts, and Graphs Oh My!

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Keen-eyed TeachersFirst users have probably noticed a few changes on the site during the past few months. Take a look at our Special Topics pages to find several new additions, including Resources for Storage, Classroom Management Resources, Tools to Create Media, and more. TeachersFirst Edge (tools for creating) includes new categories to make searching easier … read more »