Summer Solstice or Meteorological Summer?

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Summer officially begins on June 21 at 12:24 AM EST. Or does it? Ask your local weatherman and he will probably say that meteorological summer began on June 1. Both explanations, based on data and science, offer interesting opportunities for exploring weather and seasons through a different perspective. To understand the difference between the two … read more »

Take Your Presentations to the Next Level!

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It took the better part of a school year, but now your classroom is moving along smoothly. Your class is familiar with your teaching style, you have learned the quirks of individual personalities, you and your students have mastered all of the “new” technologies and materials from the beginning of the year, and everyone is … read more »

Have Fun While Preparing for Standardized Testing!

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People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing. Dale Carnegie   Many years ago, Volkswagen presented an initiative called The Fun Theory Award. The premise behind the award is that fun is the easiest way to change people’s behavior for the better. The competition encouraged participants to submit entries demonstrating how … read more »

10 Edge Resources for Digital Learning Day

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Mark your calendar to celebrate Digital Learning Day this February 23 with educators from around the globe. This day highlights excellent teaching with technology and promotes the use of digital learning tools to improve the learning experience of our students. Digital Learning Day 2017 (#DLDay) provides an excellent opportunity to try a new digital tool … read more »