Are Your Students Good Digital Citizens?

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Digital Citizenship week is October 15th-19th this year. What does it mean to be a good digital citizen? Good digital citizens when online think critically, weigh the risks of sharing information, evaluate sources, treat others with respect, and monitor the use of their time. You can empower your students to be good digital citizens! Most … read more »

News…is it real or is it fake? Media Literacy Today

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Media Literacy
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The New York Times was first published on September 18, 1851! The world was a very different place then. Today the words Fake News are a stark reminder of the amount of information our students receive every day. How can we help our students know what is real and what is fake? By teaching Media Literacy. According … read more »

Check Out What’s @ Your Library

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Library Media
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September is National Library Card Sign Up Month! According to ALA (the American Libary Association) this year, Disney’s the Incredibles are Library Card Sign-up Month honorary chairs, helping to promote the value of a library card and bring attention to the many ways libraries and librarians transform lives and communities through education.  Today’s Libraries offer … read more »