National Family Literacy Day and Remote Learning

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Our current situation has magnified the importance of connecting with our students’ families and the community, but it’s a crucial time to help families connect with their children. Caregivers and parents play a critical role in a child’s literacy development. Much has fallen in our students’ families’ laps as they navigate the challenges of remote … read more »

Accessibility for Remote Learning

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In the Middle Atlantic States, the month of September ushers in cooler weather, sweaters, pumpkin spiced lattes, apple picking, and other fall entities, but this month is significant for another important reason.  September is National Deaf Awareness Month, an observance founded to increase awareness of deaf issues, people, and culture. Both deaf and hearing allies … read more »

Back-to-School: Building a Community

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Teachers, parents, and students are focusing on back-to-school preparations as summer draws to a close. The feverish attempt to prepare for the school year is challenging, even without a pandemic. As we focus on what we’re teaching and how we’re going to teach it, it can be easy to forget how important it is to … read more »

Building Remote Learning Rapport

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Teachers began the 2019-2020 school year with activities to build relationships with their students. Building meaningful relationships is the cornerstone of every classroom, and we work tirelessly to make connections with students and families. The COVID-19 pandemic abruptly forced teachers to transition from face-to-face learning to remote learning for the school year’s final months. We … read more »

Customer Support for Families During Remote Learning

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Unforeseen circumstances from the pandemic have repositioned schools to remote teaching and learning experiences. Teachers faced an enormous challenge of adapting their teaching to best meet the needs of their students. This shift in teaching and learning has also placed more responsibility on the shoulders of our students’ families. However, there is one thing that … read more »