Three Powerful Resources for Using Poetry in the Classroom

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Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words. Robert Frost Next month is National Poetry Month, a celebration of poetry and poets in the United States. Also, March 26 marks the anniversary of the birth of Robert Frost, the well-known American Poet Laureate over 100 years ago. As … read more »

Go Green for St Patrick’s Day with Skype in the Classroom

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What do St. Patrick’s Day and recycling have in common? I bet you guessed right, they both incorporate a message of green. So this year, how about going green with eco-friendly lessons on recycling? If you are familiar with Skype in the Classroom (TeachersFirst review), you already know about the many interactive offerings available to … read more »

International Polar Bear Day

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February 27 is International Polar Bear Day. This day offers an opportunity to pay attention to polar bears and the dangers they face due to climate warming. It is also an excellent way to engage students with real-world connections to animals, climate, environment, habitats, and more.  One way to engage students in learning is by … read more »

Enhance Your Social Studies Curriculum with Podcasts

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“Social studies is like the lima beans on the curricular plate of the elementary student’s day”  Paul Fitchett Wow! Just think about the above quote and how depressing that sounds. It came from an article on the Hechinger Report website titled “How social studies can help young kids make sense of the world.” The article … read more »

Data, Charts, and Graphs Oh My!

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Keen-eyed TeachersFirst users have probably noticed a few changes on the site during the past few months. Take a look at our Special Topics pages to find several new additions, including Resources for Storage, Classroom Management Resources, Tools to Create Media, and more. TeachersFirst Edge (tools for creating) includes new categories to make searching easier … read more »