Quick Tips for Celebrating Kid Inventor’s Day

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“To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk.” – Thomas Edison Did you resolve to implement something new into your classroom this year? Or perhaps you want to continue building on something you have already started? If so, you might want to consider celebrating Kid Inventors’ Day on January 17 with … read more »

Rediscover Padlet!

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Did you know that Padlet has added many new features this year? If you haven’t visited this site recently, you may want to take another look. If you have never used Padlet, it is an online collaborative bulletin board that now packs a real punch! This Padlet demonstrates the use of this tool in a … read more »

Human Rights Day

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December 10 kicked off a year-long celebration of Human Rights Day and the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). Worldwide activities include the official campaign launch in Paris, a United Nations discussion with “Eleanor Roosevelt”, and a Human Rights Award Ceremony in Armenia. All events support the goal of equality, justice, … read more »

Thanksgiving Lesson Plans

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Have you mapped out your Thanksgiving lessons yet? Perhaps you are struggling to find something different to spice up your holiday activities. Last year on this blog I shared some ideas for finding and using primary sources. This year I’d like to share an excellent source for lesson plans for all grade levels. You may … read more »

America Recycles Day

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It seems that every day of the year has a special event, although most are relatively obscure. For example, these events all take place this November 15 according to the National Day Calendar: National Bundt (Pan) Day National Philanthropy Day National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day National Spicy Hermit Cookie Day National Raisin Bran Cereal … read more »