Let’s Talk About Spoken Word Poetry

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TeachersFirst®️ hosts a book study at least twice a year – a deep dive into integrating technology in the classroom. We are currently studying Michelle Eaton’s The Perfect Blend and discussing how to create blended learning experiences while teaching remotely. This week, we’ve discussed several roadblocks – student motivation, simulating different spaces, and lesson organization. … read more »

Let’s Talk About: International Literacy Day

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On September 8th, UNESCO asks us to pause to recognize the challenge of literacy as a human rights issue. This year, International Literacy Day events will focus on the effect of the COVID-19 crisis on teaching literacy.  Literacy and problems associated with it are a significant part of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.  The … read more »

Let’s Talk About: Media Literacy

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As we begin to resume our K-12 charge – educating the children of our nation – we will need to contend with the diverse issues that our students have been hearing about. From the Black Lives Matter movement to the upcoming presidential election and everything in between, students have been inundated with media. There is … read more »

Let’s Talk About: Learning First, Technology Second

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This week we started the TeachersFirst®️ summer book study. Our text this year is Learning First, Technology Second (ISTE, 2017) by Liz Kolb.  I first learned of Dr. Kolb and her work with instructional technology through my work with the ISTE Edtech Coaches PLN.  Dr. Kolb was the featured author in a session hosted by … read more »

Let’s Talk About: Practicing Creative Communication with Students

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June is Effective Communication Month – the perfect time of year to practice the Creative Communicator ISTE standard with students. Students consume media messages a lot more frequently than they create them.  June has a few silly “holidays” that can be used as fodder for student practice.  Let’s talk about how to make the best … read more »