Tech Tool of the Month: TES Blendspace Part 2

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Tech Tool of the Month
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In Part 1 of this blog, you were introduced to TES Blendspace. This free tool allows you to create interactive, online lessons. Yesterday we shared an overview of the tool. We also discussed the application of both the SAMR model and the TRIPLE E Frameworks as you integrate TES Blendspace into your instruction. Today’s post … read more »

Tech Tool of the Month: TES Blendspace Part 1

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Tech Tool of the Month
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TES Blendspace allows you to create interactive online lessons. Perfect for blended learning, flipped learning, or traditional instruction, this tool offers suggested resources based on your topic. You also have the option to search all of Blendspace’s resources (shared by other educators). You can create your own lessons and activities or upload files/resources from YouTube, … read more »

Tech Tool of the Month: micro.bit – Part 2

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Tech Tool of the Month
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In Part 1 of this blog, you were introduced to the BBC micro:bit and the Microsoft MakeCode virtual micro:bit simulator. The BBC micro:bit is a small, but mighty, handheld and programmable micro-computer. It can be used to create robots, code games, play virtual instruments and much more. If you are looking for a free option, … read more »

Tech Tool of the Month: micro.bit – Part 1

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Tech Tool of the Month
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Computer Science Education Week is the perfect time to share an extremely cool tech tool called the BBC micro:bit. In this blog, I am going to discuss what micro:bit is and share Microsoft’s MakeCode for micro:bit. The BBC micro:bit is a small, but mighty, handheld and programmable micro-computer. Read all about it’s features here. It … read more »

Tech Tool of the Month: Synth Part 2

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Classroom Application, Tech Tool of the Month
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Synth is a user-friendly podcasting tool. The site allows users to create audio recordings up to 256 seconds long. Yesterday’s blog, Synth Part 1, gave an overview of this tool. The overview also included the application of both the SAMR model and the Triple E Frameworks as you integrate Synth into your instruction. Today’s post … read more »