What’s the Buzz: Engineering Design Process

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Today is Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day.  Those arranging and participating in “Girl’s Day” activities are helping us to close the science gap. SheHeroes (reviewed here) is an organization that believes young girls should be encouraged to pursue non-traditional STEM based careers. Be sure to check out their resources as you plan for participating … read more »

5 Free Sites for Creating Games and Puzzles

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I recently read an article discussing 10 Benefits to Playing Games in the Classroom, and it made me think about how much technology is available to teachers and students to create and individualize games. It doesn’t take much Google searching to find many articles and dissertations sharing the pedagogical benefits of learning through gameplay. What … read more »

Reflections on Becoming a Culturally Responsive Educator

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Several years ago, I attended a county training that dealt with recognizing implicit bias and strategies for becoming a more culturally responsive educator.  As I walked in the room and thought about my long laundry list of items I needed to complete before the day’s end, I thought “here we go, another typical training”, but … read more »

Random Acts of Kindness Week Everyday

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“Kindness is one soul touching another in a way that says I see you.” RAKtivist The Oxford Dictionary defines kindness as “The quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.” Their definition for random is “Made, done, or happening without method or conscious decision.” This February 11-17 is the celebration of Random Acts of Kindness Week. … read more »