Tech Tool of the Month: WriteReader

In honor of World Storytelling Day (celebrated on March 20th), the tech tool of the month for March is WriteReader. If you aren’t familiar with World Storytelling Day, it is a global celebration of oral storytelling! On this day, people are encouraged to tell and listen to stories in as many languages as possible (and … read more »

Bringing Historical Events Alive In Your Classroom with Primary Sources

On February 19, 1942, FDR signed Executive Order 9066 which paved the way for Japanese internment camps. Teaching sensitive and complicated topics like this one is made easier with the use of primary sources. In this article entitled Teaching Difficult Topics with Primary Sources from the National Council of the Social Studies journal Social Education, … read more »

Teaching Geography in the Classroom – Maps, Maps, and More Maps!

I remember geography as a subject taught with worksheets and maps pulled down in front of the chalkboard. A well-stocked classroom contained several maps to choose from – state, country, and the world. If you were fortunate, the teacher selected you to come to the front of the room to point to places on the … read more »

3 Resources for Science News for Students… And What To Do With Them!

December 11 is International Mountain Day. The purpose of this occasion is to highlight the importance of mountains as a resource for over half of the world’s population and also recognize the damaging effects of climate change, overpopulation, and over-exploitation of resources. Although this isn’t a famous event, the purpose and issues are ones that … read more »

Tech Tool(s) of the Month: Flipgrid and Anchor

The day after Thanksgiving is more than just a day of shopping. It is also the National Day of Listening. This unofficial holiday began in 2008 by StoryCorps whose mission is to “provide Americans of all beliefs and backgrounds a time to record, preserve, and share the stories of their lives.” This day was chosen … read more »