International Day of Peace

September 21 marks the 36th celebration of The International Day of Peace. Established in 1981 by the United Nations, this annual event intends to provide “a globally shared date for all humanity to commit to Peace above all differences and to contribute to building a Culture of Peace.” This year’s theme is Together for Peace: … read more »

Going Beyond Fake News to Information Literacy

Fake news and stories about fake news are everywhere right now. In a recent blog post, I shared criteria for judging online resources, including news stories, using the CRAAP test. However, since this topic is of critical importance to our students, it merits another look. In fact, digitally literate teachers who teach their students to … read more »

5 Sites for Teaching About Memorial Day with Primary Sources

Memorial Day, formerly known as Decoration Day, is the time when Americans honor and recognize people who died while serving our country in the armed forces. Although historians dispute the birthplace of Memorial Day we know it began after the Civil War. This tradition continues to be held the last Monday of each May as communities … read more »