Be a Sport! Lessons for Increasing Literacy Using Sports Heroes

One method for engaging reluctant readers is to provide books and activities that connect to their interests and passions. Making this connection is especially helpful when introducing nonfiction reading materials to students. Matching the appropriate books and articles to individual students takes time but provides long-term rewards, such as increased interest in reading.  Many students … read more »

Virtual Inauguration? Create a Virtual Lesson with Bitmojis!

The Constitution initially established March 4 as Inauguration Day in the United States. This date allowed enough time for an orderly transition of power and for all newly-elected candidates to travel to the capital. In 1933, after advances in communication and transportation made the long wait until March unnecessary, the date moved to January 20 … read more »

Tech Tool of the Month: Classroomscreen – Part 2

In Part 1 of this blog, we introduced you to Classroomscreen and discussed the application of both the SAMR Model and the Triple E Framework to help you integrate Classroomscreen into your instruction. Today’s post offers detailed instructions about how to use this tool and also shares classroom use ideas by subject. Classroomscreen: When you … read more »

Bring Letter Writing into Your Classroom: Here’s How

“To send a letter is a good way to go somewhere without moving anything but your heart.”Phyllis Theroux When is the last time you wrote a letter using paper and pencil? For many of us, it has been quite a long time. The art of letter writing is under assault from easy access to email … read more »

Tech Tool of the Month: Tynker (Part 1)

Tynker is an engaging tool for students to use to learn the basics of coding. The tool is available as a website or mobile app, and while the features differ slightly between the two versions, they both offer a powerful coding tool with curriculum lessons and activities. The app version offers Tynker Junior, designed for … read more »