School Librarians and Digital Citizenship

Teaching Digital Citizenship…..whose responsibility is it? School librarians today take on many roles in the digital world. They are leading the way in the conversation around teaching digital citizenship in their schools and districts. From compiling resources for their students to teaching digital citizenship to promoting digital citizenship, school librarians are at the forefront. Digital … read more »

Differentiation for the School Librarian

Differentiating instruction is defined as “shaking up” what goes on in the classroom so that students have multiple options for taking in information, making sense of ideas, and expressing what they learn” according to Carol Ann Tomlinson. This can be achieved through a process called Universal Design for Learning (UDL). The UDL process emphasizes representation … read more »

School Librarians Stepping Up During Virtual Learning

School librarians and school libraries are essential in school buildings today. What happens when schools go virtual? School Librarians step up! How can you as a School Librarian step up your virtual learning game? Besides staying abreast of school library news and blogs, staying connected with your school community is fundamental. School Librarians are reimagining … read more »

Using Technology for Virtual and In-School Math Groups

As I write this blog, millions of students are out of school, some indefinitely, due to closures related to the coronavirus outbreak. Educators immediately jumped into action to provide at-home lessons for students. Some sent home learning packets; others didn’t even have time to prepare at-home materials yet have found ways to stay in touch … read more »

Amp Up School to Home Communication

A new year is a time for reflection and resolutions. Perhaps you have taken the time to reflect upon your teaching and want to make some changes. One area all teachers should think about is how well they effectively communicate with parents and family members as part of their ongoing efforts to make all students … read more »