Empowering Future Generations: Celebrating Families & Climate Action

The best gift we can give to our children is a greener future. We don’t need to give them anything special. Bhuwan Thapaliya The future of our planet rests in the hands of the next generation. As educators, we have a unique opportunity to shape young minds and inspire them to become champions of environmental … read more »

Beyond Pirouettes: How Dance Fosters Global Citizens in the Classroom

I see dance being used as communication between body and soul, to express what it too deep to find for words. – Ruth St. Denis As a proud dance dad with four daughters who eat, sleep, and breathe dance, I’ve come to appreciate dance’s impact on shaping young minds. It’s not just about pirouettes or … read more »

Hidden Figures No More: Spotlight on Women in Science

April 25 is National DNA Day, commemorating the 1953 double helix discovery and the subsequent completion of The Human Genome Project in 2003. James Watson and Francis Crick discovered the double helix; however, several women, including Rosalind Franklin, Martha Chase, and Barbara McClintock, made notable contributions yet aren’t as well-known in the scientific community. Despite … read more »

Let’s Talk About: Tech for Littles

As we observe National Kindergarten Day, let’s consider instructional approaches for our littlest learners. The annual observance reminds us of the unique needs of our primary students and the importance of creating supportive learning environments. Among the various approaches, one strategy stands out – the intentional integration of literacy work with other content.  Literacy experiences … read more »

Multilingual Learners and Your School Library

School libraries play a pivotal role in enhancing multilingual learning experiences by providing resources and support to ensure that all students, regardless of their language background, have equal opportunities to learn and thrive. There are many effective strategies for leveraging school library resources to support multilingual learners, but a diverse library collection is the first … read more »