Presidential Inaugurations Through A Primary Source Lens

Presidential inaugurations are one of the United States of America’s oldest traditions. They are a founding ceremony of our democracy. Studying inaugurations through a primary source lens is an engaging and at times fascinating classroom activity.  General resources for inaugural primary sources abound. The Library of Congress contains a wealth of resources on every presidential … read more »

Virtual Inauguration? Create a Virtual Lesson with Bitmojis!

The Constitution initially established March 4 as Inauguration Day in the United States. This date allowed enough time for an orderly transition of power and for all newly-elected candidates to travel to the capital. In 1933, after advances in communication and transportation made the long wait until March unnecessary, the date moved to January 20 … read more »

Tech Tool of the Month: Classroomscreen – Part 2

In Part 1 of this blog, we introduced you to Classroomscreen and discussed the application of both the SAMR Model and the Triple E Framework to help you integrate Classroomscreen into your instruction. Today’s post offers detailed instructions about how to use this tool and also shares classroom use ideas by subject. Classroomscreen: When you … read more »

Tech Tool of the Month: Classroomscreen – Part 1

Classroomscreen is an online class organization and management tool that can be used in the classroom, on a whiteboard, or virtually. Classroomscreen allows you to create a background screen with up to 13 widgets (timer, drawing tool, random name selector, traffic light, text box, polls, and much more)—you can keep the widgets of your choice … read more »

Bring Letter Writing into Your Classroom: Here’s How

“To send a letter is a good way to go somewhere without moving anything but your heart.”Phyllis Theroux When is the last time you wrote a letter using paper and pencil? For many of us, it has been quite a long time. The art of letter writing is under assault from easy access to email … read more »