Tech Tool of the Month: MySciLife

Cast your imagination out and think about what it would be like to LIVE as a cell or a tsunami or a liver. This month’s tech tool encourages students to think about this type of question. MySciLife is a free social learning platform, created for grades 6-9. Participation is entirely FREE, and MySciLife offers educators … read more »

Teaching Tolerance

Genuine tolerance does not mean ignoring differences as if differences made no difference. Genuine tolerance means engaging differences within a bond of civility and respect. RICHARD JOHN NEUHAUS Merriam Webster Dictionary defines tolerance as “the ability or willingness to tolerate something, in particular, the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree … read more »

Teaching Geography in the Classroom – Maps, Maps, and More Maps!

I remember geography as a subject taught with worksheets and maps pulled down in front of the chalkboard. A well-stocked classroom contained several maps to choose from – state, country, and the world. If you were fortunate, the teacher selected you to come to the front of the room to point to places on the … read more »

3 Resources for Science News for Students… And What To Do With Them!

December 11 is International Mountain Day. The purpose of this occasion is to highlight the importance of mountains as a resource for over half of the world’s population and also recognize the damaging effects of climate change, overpopulation, and over-exploitation of resources. Although this isn’t a famous event, the purpose and issues are ones that … read more »