Curation in the Classroom

Curation in the classroom is not something new to educators; we curate content all the time for lessons, project resources, future ideas, and more. However, curation is also a valuable tool for students! It is a skill they can use in their classes, personal life, and future careers. Getting started with content curation in the … read more »

10 Dictionaries That Enhance and Engage Students in Learning

Noah Webster is broadly considered to be the father of the American dictionary. In his honor, October 12 commemorates National Dictionary Day, his birthdate. This date marks learning and encourages readers to improve vocabulary. Most classrooms now rely on digital dictionaries to look up word meanings. Digital dictionaries are easy to use and provide information … read more »

Classic Children’s Literature and Classroom Reading Lists

Modernizing traditional reading lists for diverse learners is an issue that many educators are currently debating. This post is not intended to rehash the “choice versus canon” debate but to give you resources to inform your decision-making process in this area. Classics in the classroom have been a staple for many years. Rethinking reading lists … read more »

Native Knowledge 360° Education Initiative

On June 2, 1924, Congress enacted the Indian Citizenship Act, which granted citizenship to all Native Americans born in the U.S. Although this act provided Native Americans with many rights of citizenship, individual state laws determined voting rights. Until 1957, some states barred Native Americans from voting, and it wasn’t until the passage of the Civil … read more »