Connect the Arts Through a Virtual Art Show

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It is time to prepare for Youth Arts Month, which takes place each March. It’s a celebration of the positive influence of visual arts in the curriculum. According to Wikipedia, visual arts include many forms, such as painting, photography, graphic design, interior design, and industrial design.  The theme for 2021-2022 is Art Connects Us, which encourages sharing … read more »

Celebrate World Thinking Day

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“The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.” ― Albert Einstein A tradition since 1926, Girl Scouts and Girl Guides celebrate World Thinking Day on February 22, scouting founder Lord Baden-Powell’s birthday. The Girl Guides and Girl Scouts dedicated this day to thinking … read more »

Celebrate National Engineers Week with Design Thinking!

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National Engineers Week is February 20–26, 2022! What better time to engage in engineering and design thinking activities in your classroom?! Engineering and design thinking can open up a whole new world of innovation and creativity for students.  National Engineers Week offers many opportunities to introduce your students to the world of engineering. Introduce them … read more »

5 Social-Emotional Learning Activities for National School Counseling Week

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School Counselors provide a unique and vital role within their schools. According to the American School Counselor Association (ACSA), they “lead, advocate, and collaborate to promote equity and access for all students.” Their role includes support for both the academic and social-emotional needs of the students served. This year’s National School Counseling Week theme is School Counseling: … read more »

Tech Tool of the Month: Case Maker – Part 2

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In Part 1 of this blog, we introduced you to Case Maker and discussed the application of both the SAMR Model and the Triple E Framework using Case Maker in your instruction. Today’s post offers detailed instructions for using this tool and shares classroom use ideas. Case Maker:  Case Maker does not require any registration … read more »