Tech Tool of the Month: Case Maker – Part 1

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Case Maker offers a collection of 20 civic challenges designed for middle school students. Each challenge includes primary resources. Challenge topics include Brown vs. Board of Education, Principles of Major Political Parties, Propaganda and “Fake News,” School Desegregation and the Little Rock Nine, and several other historical and civic topics. Students are not required to … read more »

International Holocaust Remembrance Day

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Each year, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) recognizes International Holocaust Remembrance Day on or about January 27. It serves as a reminder of the Holocaust, a tribute to the victims of the atrocities, and a time for UNESCO to reaffirm its commitment to countering antisemitism and other forms of racial intolerance. … read more »

Keep the Spirit of Invention Alive in Your Classroom

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This week we celebrated Kid Inventors Day! As we experienced, Kid Inventors Day activities bring creativity, problem-solving, and fun into your classroom. So let’s keep the momentum going. If you have been looking for a low-barrier entry point to bring STEAM and Maker Education into your classroom, kid inventor activities are for you! What can … read more »

Bring the Sustainable Development Goals Into Your Classroom

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Critical thinking, social-emotional learning, culturally responsive teaching, authentic learning—these are a few of the latest terms found in many discussions of education and teaching. It might seem daunting to address all of them, but some issues offer the opportunity to embrace these concepts by providing lessons with a larger frame of reference. One such frame … read more »

Tech Tool of the Month: – Part 2

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Tech Tool of the Month
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In Part 1 of this blog, we introduced you to and discussed the application of both the SAMR Model and the Triple E Framework using in your instruction. Today’s post offers detailed instructions for using this tool and shares classroom use ideas. does not require any registration. Just click in your … read more »