Start Your Year Strong with 3 Personalized Learning Tools

The start of a new school year brings excitement to both students and teachers. This is the perfect time to share and implement personalized learning tools for your students. Many different sites offer differentiated learning activities and tips. The hard part is finding out what works for both of you. Take a look at these three new tools that personalize … read more »

Growing Your Personal Learning Network

Summertime is here. It’s every teacher’s favorite season. In addition to having time to relax, summer is the perfect time for learning something new professionally – without the daily pressure of school work. A wonderful thing about the Internet is that makes it easy to learn new skills and connect with like-minded individuals. Many educators embrace this concept … read more »

Using Technology for Virtual and In-School Math Groups

As I write this blog, millions of students are out of school, some indefinitely, due to closures related to the coronavirus outbreak. Educators immediately jumped into action to provide at-home lessons for students. Some sent home learning packets; others didn’t even have time to prepare at-home materials yet have found ways to stay in touch … read more »

No Child Left Inside

October 13 through October 19 is Earth Science Week. Earth Science Week, celebrated since 1988, is the opportunity to promote the understanding of earth sciences and every citizen’s role in stewardship of our earth. This year’s theme is No Child Left Inside.  One place to find many lesson ideas is on the Earth Science Week … read more »

Tech Tool of the Month: MySciLife

Cast your imagination out and think about what it would be like to LIVE as a cell or a tsunami or a liver. This month’s tech tool encourages students to think about this type of question. MySciLife is a free social learning platform, created for grades 6-9. Participation is entirely FREE, and MySciLife offers educators … read more »