Engage with Award-Winning Books in Your Classroom!

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The American Library Association recently announced the 2021 winners of the youth media award. In addition, many other book awards for K-12 books were recently announced. Award-winning books are always an excellent addition to school libraries and classrooms! It’s like having a ready-made, vetted buying list.  Every year, the American Library Association honors outstanding books, … read more »

Strategies for Boosting Reading Engagement Through Your School Library

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Providing reading materials for classrooms and students is a mainstay for school libraries. There are many strategies available to school librarians to boost reading throughout their schools, which in turn increases circulation – always a good thing for the school library program. The impact of school libraries and school librarians on reading and literacy in … read more »

Let’s Talk About: Learning First, Technology Second

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This week we started the TeachersFirst®️ summer book study. Our text this year is Learning First, Technology Second (ISTE, 2017) by Liz Kolb.  I first learned of Dr. Kolb and her work with instructional technology through my work with the ISTE Edtech Coaches PLN.  Dr. Kolb was the featured author in a session hosted by … read more »

Three Powerful Resources for Using Poetry in the Classroom

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Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words. Robert Frost Next month is National Poetry Month, a celebration of poetry and poets in the United States. Also, March 26 marks the anniversary of the birth of Robert Frost, the well-known American Poet Laureate over 100 years ago. As … read more »

Science Fiction: Why you should be using it with your students!

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On December 17, 1969, Project Blue Book ended.  What was Project Blue Book? It was the United States Air Forces’ investigation into UFOs. From 1952 to the end of 1969, if you wanted a UFO sighting investigated, you could fill out a questionnaire with the US Air Force, and they would investigate it for you. … read more »