Empowering Autistic Students: Create Awareness and Inclusion for Autism Spectrum Disorder

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“It takes a village to raise a child. It takes a child with autism to raise the consciousness of the village.” Elaine Hall April is Autism Awareness Month when individuals, organizations, and communities unite to increase awareness and acceptance of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). As educators, it’s essential to support and celebrate autistic students and … read more »

Let’s Talk About: Feedback

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Teachers know how important it is to give students feedback on their work. Feedback can help students improve their skills, learn from their mistakes, and achieve their goals. Many articles, books, and workshops can help you as a teacher to learn to give constructive, specific, actionable, and respectful feedback. Here at TeachersFirst, we’ve looked at … read more »

Exploring Ideas Using the Six Thinking Hats Method

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Great ideas need landing gear as well as wings. C. D. Jackson Every March, International Ideas Month takes place. This observation recognizes the potential of ideas, even those that seem simple or unattainable. As educators, we both teach students about famous people who have formulated great ideas and inspire them to explore their own. Coming … read more »

Coming Soon to Netflix: Your Students’ Series about the Founding Fathers!

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James Madison is often called the Father of the Constitution for his role in writing the Federalist Papers and creating a new form of government following the Continental Congress. He and the rest of the founding fathers—George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay—led the revolution, brought independence to the … read more »

Let’s Talk About Student Activism

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Reflecting on the anniversary of Bloody Sunday, I’ve wondered what we as a society have learned and how those lessons can help our students today. Listening to some of the youngest participants in the march – children at the time – reminds me that our children need to see that they can “drive the change … read more »