Teaching Students to Create Media Responsibly

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Today, teaching students to create media is not enough. Students must learn to create media responsibly. What does it mean to create media responsibly? According to Common Sense Media, teaching media literacy helps students to “Create media responsibly (by) Recognizing your own point of view, saying what you want to say how you want to … read more »

Teaching About Diversity in Media

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Diversity in media is all about recognizing that multiple perspectives should be present in media, and if they aren’t then seeking out more diverse perspectives is warranted. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s TED Talk, “The Danger of a Single Story,” is a shining explanation of why diversity in media is a must and why we must not … read more »

Bad News for Online Disinformation

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June 30 is the 10th anniversary of the recognition of Social Media Day. Although every day is Social Media Day, this date points out the importance of thinking about the impact of social media on our lives. Also, it is imperative that we include thinking about how we teach the responsible use of social media … read more »

Helping Students Become Critical Consumers of Advertising

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Advertising.  It is all around us- online, in print, on buses, on billboards, on signs- everywhere. How can we help our students navigate their way through it all? Media Literacy lessons using advertising are engaging, fun, and provide real-world experience. They can also prepare students to be better-informed voters and consumers. Media Literacy lessons about … read more »

Fake News – What can we do about it?

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80% of middle schoolers mistake sponsored content for real news 3 in 4 students can’t distinguish between real and fake news on Facebook Fewer than 1 in 3 students are skeptical of biased news sources (ISTE Fake News Infographic 2017) As educators, what can we do to make sure our students are not counted as … read more »