What’s the Buzz: Engineering Design Process

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Today is Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day.  Those arranging and participating in “Girl’s Day” activities are helping us to close the science gap. SheHeroes (reviewed here) is an organization that believes young girls should be encouraged to pursue non-traditional STEM based careers. Be sure to check out their resources as you plan for participating … read more »

Quick Tips for Celebrating Kid Inventor’s Day

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“To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk.” – Thomas Edison Did you resolve to implement something new into your classroom this year? Or perhaps you want to continue building on something you have already started? If so, you might want to consider celebrating Kid Inventors’ Day on January 17 with … read more »

Tech Tool of the Month: Microsoft Touch Develop

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Tech Tool of the Month
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It is mid-November now, and we are quickly approaching the Hour of Code, happening December 4-10. Over 180 countries participate with millions of students from around the world. It only seemed fitting to feature a tech tool in November to help us all prepare for this incredible event! Microsoft Touch Develop allows you to create … read more »

What’s the Buzz: Computational Thinking

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When ISTE unveiled the refreshed ISTE Standards for Students in June, there were a number significant changes. The addition of “Computational Thinking” was one of them. I’ve overheard some teachers trying to understand the concept and have come to realize that we’re not all as clear on the concept as we should be.  Some have … read more »