Ideas for Journaling Your Great American Campout Experience

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Have you ever participated in the Great American Campout? Perhaps you plan to join this year on June 23 along with about 100,000 fellow campers. New and veteran campers from around the country share their love of the outdoors and camping as part of this annual event. Some campers pack up the RV for an … read more »

Celebrate Father’s Day With Gifts From the Heart

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“A father is someone you look up to no matter how tall you grow” Unknown On June 17 we honor and celebrate our fathers. Because most students are out of school for the summer, they don’t always make a small gift to bring home as many do for Mother’s Day in May.  Many of us … read more »

Tech Tool of the Month – Room Escape Maker

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Game-based learning and gamification are hot topics in education. This month I was given the task to find ONE tech tool to share related to games in the classroom. This task was quite the challenge due to the quality sites that I am already familiar with. But then I started to think about “what if” … read more »