Are You a Twitter Lurker or a Twitter Contributor?

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I admit it; I am more of a lurker on Twitter than a contributor. I follow many of the most respected names in education and marvel at their ideas and ability to share with others. Every once in a while, I’ll retweet something I find especially interesting or notable. Rarely do I add my thoughts … read more »

Tech Tool of the Month: Simplify Your Life with SignUp Genius

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Tech Tool of the Month
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What does your summer look like? Are you busy with picnics, fireworks, pool parties, cookouts, reunions, vacation, hiking, and more? Maybe you are embracing professional learning, preparing for the next school year, and making some appointments that just can’t fit in during the school year. Some of you may already be back in the classroom … read more »

Summertime and the Reading Is Easy

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Library Media
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“Summer afternoon—summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.” Henry James. Ah, summertime and the reading is easy. Finally, time for teachers to read something just for fun. Nothing is more enjoyable than sitting under a tree with a cool drink and a good book written … read more »

Summer – Time to Relax or Time for Learning?

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Professional Learning
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What do you do when summer break arrives? Is it time for a well-deserved break, or do you use this time for professional growth and rejuvenation? Perhaps a bit of both? If you’d like to try some rejuvenation that you can do at home in a relaxed setting, but still with a group of peers with … read more »

Summer Solstice or Meteorological Summer?

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Classroom Application
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Summer officially begins on June 21 at 12:24 AM EST. Or does it? Ask your local weatherman and he will probably say that meteorological summer began on June 1. Both explanations, based on data and science, offer interesting opportunities for exploring weather and seasons through a different perspective. To understand the difference between the two … read more »