TO BE READ: From Our Shelf to Yours, August 2016. Prepare to be inspired. Prepare to be challenged. Prepare to grow.

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Another fabulous summer has come to a close. Educators are once again engulfed in the start of a new school year and all the wonderful and time-consuming things that go along with it. While most of you found time to read over the summer amid vacations, lesson plan prep, professional development and personal rejuvenation, it … read more »

Start Your Year Strong with 3 Personalized Learning Tools

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The start of a new school year brings excitement to both students and teachers. This is the perfect time to share and implement personalized learning tools for your students. Many different sites offer differentiated learning activities and tips. The hard part is finding out what works for both of you. Take a look at these three new tools that personalize … read more »

TechBytes: Increase the Visual Impact of Your Google Slide Presentations With These Three Design Tips

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Are you looking to make your Google slide presentations more powerful? Watch this episode of TechBytes for three great design tips: 1) how to mask an image; 2) how to flip an object horizontally; and 3) how to duplicate objects in one step. TechBytes are video tutorials created for the TeachersFirst blog. Come learn with … read more »

What’s the Buzz: Augmented and Virtual Reality

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What's the Buzz
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Augmented reality and virtual reality might sound like geek-speak to some, but the truth is these technological advances have real implications for the classroom.  Of course, before you can make your case for new apps or equipment to supplement your instruction, you have to know what you are asking for and how it could help … read more »

Are Digital Natives Digital Citizens, Too?

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In this season of intense political activity, now might be a good time to think about digital citizenship. We cannot assume that our students who are digital natives have the skills to be good digital citizens of the virtual world in which they live every day. Many schools have some sort of cybersafety curriculum, perhaps … read more »