Celebrate Bill of Rights Day December 15th!

December 15 is Bill of Rights Day! Students should be aware of what the Bill of Rights is and how it applies to their lives. What better way to make that happen than to celebrate this day in your classroom?!  There are many resources available to teachers to celebrate this day. The Bill of Rights … read more »

Last-Minute Ideas for Veterans Day

Each November 11, Americans observe Veterans Day. First started as Armistice Day to commemorate the end of World War I, Congress amended the proclamation after World War II and the Korean War to honor veterans of all wars, officially changing the name to Veterans Day. Educators around the country recognize this observance in many ways. … read more »

Differentiation for the School Librarian

Differentiating instruction is defined as “shaking up” what goes on in the classroom so that students have multiple options for taking in information, making sense of ideas, and expressing what they learn” according to Carol Ann Tomlinson. This can be achieved through a process called Universal Design for Learning (UDL). The UDL process emphasizes representation … read more »

Celebrate the Foundations of America in Your Classroom this Fall!

Celebrate the foundations of the United States during the lead-up to the election this fall! International Day of Democracy is celebrated on September 15th, United States Constitution Day and Citizenship Day are both held on September 17th, and our National Election Day is November 3rd. International Day of Democracy was started to give the world … read more »

Don’t Let a Pandemic Stop You From Being in the Room Where it Happens

August 31 is the 102nd anniversary of celebrated Broadway composer Alan Jay Lerner’s birth. Lerner is best known for his collaborations with Frederick Loewe on hits such as Brigadoon, My Fair Lady, and Camelot. Among other honors, he won three Tony Awards and three Academy Awards, making him one of Broadway’s most proficient and well-known … read more »