Tech Tool of the Month: Case Maker – Part 1

Case Maker offers a collection of 20 civic challenges designed for middle school students. Each challenge includes primary resources. Challenge topics include Brown vs. Board of Education, Principles of Major Political Parties, Propaganda and “Fake News,” School Desegregation and the Little Rock Nine, and several other historical and civic topics. Students are not required to … read more »

Bring the Sustainable Development Goals Into Your Classroom

Critical thinking, social-emotional learning, culturally responsive teaching, authentic learning—these are a few of the latest terms found in many discussions of education and teaching. It might seem daunting to address all of them, but some issues offer the opportunity to embrace these concepts by providing lessons with a larger frame of reference. One such frame … read more »

Tech Tool of the Month: – Part 1 is a straightforward writing tool for publishing web content, such as a digital story or a blog. No registration is needed; click to fill in the post’s title, your name, and then add content. You can upload photos, videos, and Tweets. When you finish, click to publish. After publishing, you can continue editing or … read more »

Infusing SEL Into Everyday Instruction

It is critical to teach students strategies to deal with emotions and interact respectfully with peers. As a father of six, life can be crazy. My wife, also a teacher, enjoys our bedtime routine of reading aloud to our children. Recently, we read Lilly’s Purple Plastic Purse by Kevin Henkes. Lilly brings a purple plastic … read more »

Cross-Curricular Lesson Ideas for the Winter Solstice

The Winter Solstice is the time of ending and beginning, a powerful time — a time to contemplate your immortality. A time to forgive, to be forgiven, and to make a fresh start. A time to awaken. Frederick Lenz It isn’t always possible to create well-developed cross-curricular lessons based upon a single theme. Still, many … read more »