Get Involved In Digital Learning Day!

 This year Digital Learning Day takes place on February 27! According to the Alliance for Excellent Education, “Digital Learning Day was started as a way to actively spread innovative practices and ensure that all youth have access to high-quality digital learning no matter where they live.” They define digital learning as “any instructional practice … read more »

Tech Tool of the Month: Mission US Part 1

Mission US is a collection of free interactive games to engage students in learning US History. This tool was created for upper elementary and middle school students to learn about transitional times in US history. The missions immerse students in historical settings and empower students to make choices about how everyday people lived in the … read more »

Data, Charts, and Graphs Oh My!

Keen-eyed TeachersFirst users have probably noticed a few changes on the site during the past few months. Take a look at our Special Topics pages to find several new additions, including Resources for Storage, Classroom Management Resources, Tools to Create Media, and more. TeachersFirst Edge (tools for creating) includes new categories to make searching easier … read more »

Amp Up School to Home Communication

A new year is a time for reflection and resolutions. Perhaps you have taken the time to reflect upon your teaching and want to make some changes. One area all teachers should think about is how well they effectively communicate with parents and family members as part of their ongoing efforts to make all students … read more »

Tech Tool of the Month: TES Blendspace Part 1

TES Blendspace allows you to create interactive online lessons. Perfect for blended learning, flipped learning, or traditional instruction, this tool offers suggested resources based on your topic. You also have the option to search all of Blendspace’s resources (shared by other educators). You can create your own lessons and activities or upload files/resources from YouTube, … read more »