Teaching Tolerance

Genuine tolerance does not mean ignoring differences as if differences made no difference. Genuine tolerance means engaging differences within a bond of civility and respect. RICHARD JOHN NEUHAUS Merriam Webster Dictionary defines tolerance as “the ability or willingness to tolerate something, in particular, the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree … read more »

3 Resources for Science News for Students… And What To Do With Them!

December 11 is International Mountain Day. The purpose of this occasion is to highlight the importance of mountains as a resource for over half of the world’s population and also recognize the damaging effects of climate change, overpopulation, and over-exploitation of resources. Although this isn’t a famous event, the purpose and issues are ones that … read more »

Let’s Talk About: Pretending to Be a Time Traveler

I’m thinking back to my Teach Like a Pirate post.  There are so many fun “holidays” that you could use for your hook.  For example, Saturday is “pretend to be a time traveler” day.  This day could be the anchor for a very cool humanities project.   Arrange students in small groups to form their … read more »

Make History Come Alive in Your Classroom with Oral Histories!

The National Day of Listening is unofficially celebrated on November 24th. It was started in 2008 by StoryCorps whose mission is “to preserve and share humanity’s stories in order to build connections between people and create a more just and compassionate world.”  The National Day of Listening was created to encourage people to interview a loved one, friend, … read more »