Digital Storytelling Using Google My Maps

“Storytelling is the Oldest Form of Education” Terry Tempest Williams How do you incorporate digital storytelling into your classroom? This article written by Anna Warfield discusses the 6 Reasons You Should Be Doing Digital Storytelling With Your Students. The author discusses the benefits of digital storytelling, including integrating technology with the writing process, critical thinking skills … read more »

Let’s Talk About: Reading and Empathy

May is when we officially celebrate the Get Caught Reading public service campaign. The idea of the campaign is to share the excitement of reading with others. The sponsoring organization provides posters, others create social media challenges, and libraries plan special events to encourage people to pick up a book.  There are many reasons why … read more »

Quick, Easy, and Engaging Arbor Day Activities

“He who plants a tree plants hope.” Lucy Larcom This year commemorates the 150th anniversary of Arbor Day. J. Sterling Morton spearheaded the planting of one million trees in Nebraska in 1872, leading to the formation of the Arbor Day Foundation one hundred years later to carry on his mission. Over time, the foundation has … read more »

Math Awareness Month: Keeping the Focus

Teachers and students often fear mathematics and poetry—complex math problems and poem interpretation present unique challenges. April is Mathematics and Statistics Awareness Month and National Poetry Month. Albert Einstein wrote, “Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas.” Since mathematics governs the structure of poems like Haikus and sonnets, it’s a prime … read more »

Tips for Navigating Book Challenges

The challenging of books based on their content has a long history, but they have been a major news story this school year. The challenges are coming from a variety of sources—parents, school committees, politicians, community groups, and others. There are a variety of reasons for the discussion, but what do you do when books … read more »