Strategies to Increase Teen Self Esteem During Remote Learning

Did you know that May is Mental Health Month? Mental Health America and its affiliates have spent this month raising awareness since 1949, but it’s a particularly important topic today. The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted our students’ lives. Everyday experiences that helped build their self-esteem suddenly shifted to school closures, social distancing, quarantines, and remote … read more »

School Librarians and Digital Citizenship

Teaching Digital Citizenship…..whose responsibility is it? School librarians today take on many roles in the digital world. They are leading the way in the conversation around teaching digital citizenship in their schools and districts. From compiling resources for their students to teaching digital citizenship to promoting digital citizenship, school librarians are at the forefront. Digital … read more »

Station Rotation and Remote Learning

COVID-19 forced schools and teachers to adapt and find ways to teach our students through remote learning opportunities. Learning is multi-dimensional, and remote learning added another layer of complexity. The pandemic has been difficult for families, students, and teachers. Everyone has shown resilience, perseverance, and flexibility – and to make the best of our current … read more »

Is it Time to Evaluate Your Digital Learning Practices?

This year is the 10th annual celebration of Digital Learning Day. On February 25, educators will participate in an online celebration of ideas, stories, and promising practices related to incorporating digital learning into everyday instruction in schools. Using #DLDay and #DLDay2021 on Twitter and Instagram, educators collaborate and share new ideas, tools, and strategies for … read more »

Celebrate Bill of Rights Day December 15th!

December 15 is Bill of Rights Day! Students should be aware of what the Bill of Rights is and how it applies to their lives. What better way to make that happen than to celebrate this day in your classroom?!  There are many resources available to teachers to celebrate this day. The Bill of Rights … read more »