Let’s Chat: Planning for Earth Day with AI

The first Earth Day celebration took place on April 22, 1970. Senator Gaylord Nelson promoted the concept of Earth Day to encourage students to fight for environmental causes with the same kind of energy they used to fight the Vietnam War. Earth Day activities and events have seen over one billion people in one hundred … read more »

Tech Tool of the Month: FluentKey – Part 2

In Part 1 of this blog, we introduced you to FluentKey and discussed applying the SAMR Model and the Triple E Framework using FluentKey in your instruction.  Learn more about this game-based learning interactive that uses video clips to engage students and helps them practice listening comprehension skills in 14 languages, including Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, American Sign … read more »

Tech Tool of the Month: FluentKey – Part 1

FluentKey is a game-based learning interactive that uses video clips to engage students of all ages. The videos are designed to enrich world language learners and improve students’ listening comprehension skills. FluentKey offers learning activities in 14 languages (including American Sign Language, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Italian, Russian, Spanish, and Hebrew) and is also ideal for English language … read more »

Tech Tool of the Month: Padlet – Part 2

In Part 1 of this blog, we introduced you to Padlet and discussed applying the SAMR Model and the Triple E Framework using Padlet in your instruction. This simple web application allows you to create digital bulletin boards from seven easy layouts. Users can add images, links, videos, texts, drawings, and more to their virtual … read more »

Tech Tool of the Month: Padlet – Part 1

Padlet is a simple web application that allows you to create a virtual bulletin board to display information on any topic. There are seven layouts to choose from when setting up your Padlet board that control how information is presented (including a timeline and map!). Users can add images, links, videos, texts, drawings, and more … read more »