Bad News for Online Disinformation

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June 30 is the 10th anniversary of the recognition of Social Media Day. Although every day is Social Media Day, this date points out the importance of thinking about the impact of social media on our lives. Also, it is imperative that we include thinking about how we teach the responsible use of social media … read more »

Helping Students Become Critical Consumers of Advertising

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Media Literacy
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Advertising.  It is all around us- online, in print, on buses, on billboards, on signs- everywhere. How can we help our students navigate their way through it all? Media Literacy lessons using advertising are engaging, fun, and provide real-world experience. They can also prepare students to be better-informed voters and consumers. Media Literacy lessons about … read more »

Staff Wellbeing: What’s Your Plan?

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Did you know that June is Employee Wellbeing Month? Neither did I quite frankly! 😊 There is even an official hashtag— so give #mywellbeingmonth a follow and see what’s going on out there!  Now that we all know about this, let’s talk a bit more about it and how we can work to integrate this … read more »

10 Ideas for Teaching About Flag Day (even if you are out for the summer)

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Flag Day falls on June 14 and it provides opportunities for teaching about American history using the flag as a focal point. If your school is still in session, it is easy to find and plan lessons for Flag Day; however, with many schools on summer break, it is more difficult to reach out to … read more »

Tech Tool of the Month: ClassTag

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Tech Tool of the Month
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Communication in the classroom is key! Did you know that June is Effective Communication Month? I can’t think of many skills that are more important, as an educator, than being an effective communicator. The tech tool we are sharing this month is ClassTag, a management system for teachers to engage and communicate with parents. ClassTag … read more »