The New Black Friday: Listen Up!

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Do you know what the Friday after Thanksgiving is?! If you’re wondering how I’m going to tie Black Friday into a blog about education, don’t worry, I’m not going to go there! The National Day of Listening is an unofficial holiday celebrated on the Friday after Thanksgiving Day. It was launched in 2008 by StoryCorps, … read more »

Practical (and easy) Tips for Communicating with Parents

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Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much Helen Keller American Education Week is celebrated November 12-16 this year. One day of the week is set aside as Invite Parents to School Day, also known as National Parent Involvement Day. This annual event offers the opportunity to spotlight the importance of … read more »

Make a Difference Day

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Make a Difference Day is a community service event held on the fourth Saturday of each October. The emphasis of this day is to encourage both young and old to volunteer in their community. This event provides many opportunities for classroom learning experiences. When looking at National Social Studies Standards, volunteerism fits directly into the … read more »

Tech Tool of the Month: The Stock Market Game

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Tech Tool of the Month
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What is more motivating than money? This month’s tech tool focuses on a tool that allows students to take control of the cash! Why did we choose a financial literacy tool this month? October 24-29, 1929 was the devastating and well-known Stock Market Crash of 1929. Help your students to visualize the true loss of … read more »

Are Your Students Good Digital Citizens?

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Digital Citizenship week is October 15th-19th this year. What does it mean to be a good digital citizen? Good digital citizens when online think critically, weigh the risks of sharing information, evaluate sources, treat others with respect, and monitor the use of their time. You can empower your students to be good digital citizens! Most … read more »