Celebrate Father’s Day With Gifts From the Heart

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“A father is someone you look up to no matter how tall you grow” Unknown On June 17 we honor and celebrate our fathers. Because most students are out of school for the summer, they don’t always make a small gift to bring home as many do for Mother’s Day in May.  Many of us … read more »

Summer Assignment: Build that PLN!

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Are you counting down the days until summer vacation?  I mean, did I really need to ask that question?! I remember one of the hardest parts of transitioning from a teacher to an administrator was not getting to have that feeling of pure exhilaration and excitement going into summer break.  It’s a time to recharge, … read more »

Let’s Talk About: Location-Based Augmented Reality

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Let's Talk About
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June is Great Outdoors Month.  It’s great timing because this time of year can be difficult for both teachers and students.  While many schools are getting ready to close for the summer, getting through the remaining days with antsy students and tired teachers can be hard.  It’s time to plan for some “fun” outdoor instructional … read more »

Six Sites for Rhyme Time

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“There’s something so wonderful about writing in rhyme where it isn’t just the meaning of the words, it’s the music to the words and the shape and the sound.” Gary Ross Learning about rhyming words is one of the earliest skills taught to young readers. Exploring rhymes helps students understand how language works through sounds … read more »