10 Resources for Making Learning Inclusive for All Students

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December 2 is National Special Education Day. This event celebrates the December 2, 1975 signing of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) by Gerald Ford. IDEA is the basis for Special Education law in the United States and serves as the foundation for giving all children with disabilities a free and appropriate public education.  … read more »

Tech Tool of the Month: Virtual Musical Instruments

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Did you know that April is Jazz Appreciation Month? Also happening on April 30th is International Jazz Day. What better way to celebrate than with a song! In honor of jazz and music, this month we are featuring a cool tech tool that offers you the opportunity to play music: Virtual Musical Instruments. Explore the … read more »

Last Minute Digital Learning Day No-Tech Resources…You Can Do This!

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It never fails! It is Digital Learning Day; you’ve planned your lessons and excitement is building for all of your well thought out activities implementing technology. You prepared carefully, making sure websites work, student passwords and logins are readily available, nothing is forgotten. Then what happens? The internet is down for the day, smart boards … read more »

How to Turn Your Hour of Code into an Hour of Excellence!

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Hour of Code™ celebrations take place during Computer Science Education Week, December 3-9, but now is the time to prepare for a successful event in your school or classroom. The Hour of Code™ is a nationwide initiative by Computer Science Education Week and Code.org to introduce millions of students to one hour of computer science and … read more »

Tech Tool of the Month: Dotstorming

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It has been almost 100 years since the 19th Amendment was signed, giving women the right to vote. Women’s Equality Day is celebrated on August 26th. This day celebrates this “winning vote” of 98 years ago. In honor of this day, we are highlighting a tech tool that you can use for voting in your … read more »