Teaching About Diversity in Media

Diversity in media is all about recognizing that multiple perspectives should be present in media, and if they aren’t then seeking out more diverse perspectives is warranted. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s TED Talk, “The Danger of a Single Story,” is a shining explanation of why diversity in media is a must and why we must not … read more »

Greatness in Giving

Have you heard of Linda Eaton-Hall Fulcher? In all honesty, I hadn’t until recently. So, let me tell you some more. In my humble opinion, her mission is pretty remarkable and rather important, especially when considering the potential impact in our schools. Established by Fulcher, July 15th is declared National Give Something Away Day. As … read more »

Bad News for Online Disinformation

June 30 is the 10th anniversary of the recognition of Social Media Day. Although every day is Social Media Day, this date points out the importance of thinking about the impact of social media on our lives. Also, it is imperative that we include thinking about how we teach the responsible use of social media … read more »

Staff Wellbeing: What’s Your Plan?

Did you know that June is Employee Wellbeing Month? Neither did I quite frankly! 😊 There is even an official hashtag— so give #mywellbeingmonth a follow and see what’s going on out there!  Now that we all know about this, let’s talk a bit more about it and how we can work to integrate this … read more »