Let’s Get Ready for Computer Learning Month

Computer Learning Month, established in 1987 to help those unfamiliar with computers learn what computers can do for them, is fast approaching. Today’s students are digital natives and understand how to use computers to find and share information, making it vital to teach students how to evaluate and create media using five critical communication skills: understanding … read more »

School Librarians Stepping Up During Virtual Learning

School librarians and school libraries are essential in school buildings today. What happens when schools go virtual? School Librarians step up! How can you as a School Librarian step up your virtual learning game? Besides staying abreast of school library news and blogs, staying connected with your school community is fundamental. School Librarians are reimagining … read more »

Building Remote Learning Rapport

Teachers began the 2019-2020 school year with activities to build relationships with their students. Building meaningful relationships is the cornerstone of every classroom, and we work tirelessly to make connections with students and families. The COVID-19 pandemic abruptly forced teachers to transition from face-to-face learning to remote learning for the school year’s final months. We … read more »

Customer Support for Families During Remote Learning

Unforeseen circumstances from the pandemic have repositioned schools to remote teaching and learning experiences. Teachers faced an enormous challenge of adapting their teaching to best meet the needs of their students. This shift in teaching and learning has also placed more responsibility on the shoulders of our students’ families. However, there is one thing that … read more »

What’s the Buzz: Professional Learning and Development

As we anticipate the first official day of summer, many educators look forward to a well-deserved break. Thinking of what we accomplished, given the challenges faced, we reflect and wonder how to increase effectiveness next school year. Many outside education think educators spend the summer months enjoying time off when, in actuality, the opposite is … read more »