Ideas for Finding and Documenting Service Learning Projects

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. Mahatma Gandhi Each year, the United Nations designates June 23 as Public Service Day. This event began with the UN’s resolution of 2013 recognizing and celebrating public service’s value to the community. There are many benefits to performing community and … read more »

Teach Your Students to be Global Digital Citizens!

What is a Global digital citizen? According to Lee Watanabe-Crockett, “A Global Digital Citizen is a responsible, ethical citizen, leveraging technology to foster community on a global scale through connection and compassion.” Global digital citizenship embodies 5 tenets: personal responsibility, global citizenship, digital citizenship, altruistic service, and environmental stewardship. The internet has amazing potential to … read more »

Supporting Refugee Students in the Classroom

June 20th is World Refugee Day, established by the UN to honor the courage and perseverance of people forced to flee their home country. Among these refugees are school-aged children entering communities largely unknown to them. With that influx, public school systems have taken on the responsibility of welcoming and supporting these students. Supporting refugee … read more »

21 Free Tech Tools for Knowledge Construction

Searching for the definition of knowledge construction leads to several different meanings that all begin with the fundamental premise that knowledge is a generative process. This article provides twelve descriptions of knowledge construction! As educators, we understand that knowledge construction is crucial to successful learning. Learning about the different methods that students learn allows us … read more »

Let’s Talk About: Great Outdoors Month

June is Great Outdoors Month, a time to celebrate our local, state, national parks, and waterways. As we straddle the line between pandemic and endemic COVID-19, we need to balance safety for those still vulnerable and learning to live with COVID19 as an endemic disease. In 2020 we discussed staying close to home with your … read more »