Building Remote Learning Rapport

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Teachers began the 2019-2020 school year with activities to build relationships with their students. Building meaningful relationships is the cornerstone of every classroom, and we work tirelessly to make connections with students and families. The COVID-19 pandemic abruptly forced teachers to transition from face-to-face learning to remote learning for the school year’s final months. We … read more »

Take Advantage of Microsoft and Google Assistive Technology to Assist All Learners

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July 26 is the 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disability Act–also known as National Disability Independence Day. This act states the importance of ensuring access to all areas of society for all citizens, especially those with disabilities. This access includes availability to digital materials. Two big players providing digital platforms, Google and Microsoft, provide … read more »

Celebrate Buffalo Soldiers Day!

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 July 28th is Buffalo Soldiers Day. Officially recognized in 1992, it commemorates the 1866 formation of six cavalry and infantry regiments of African American soldiers after Congress passed the Army Reorganization Act. Buffalo Soldiers were African American soldiers who served on the Western Frontier after the Civil War. The name Buffalo Soldiers is said … read more »

Including Differentiation in Remote and Blended Learning

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This year has tested traditional education models in ways that no one expected. Who knew that almost overnight educators would have to learn new ways of delivering instruction beyond the classroom walls while still meeting the differing needs of all students? Even when thrown into new teaching environments, it is essential to differentiate learning for … read more »

Let’s Talk About: Learning First, Technology Second

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This week we started the TeachersFirst®️ summer book study. Our text this year is Learning First, Technology Second (ISTE, 2017) by Liz Kolb.  I first learned of Dr. Kolb and her work with instructional technology through my work with the ISTE Edtech Coaches PLN.  Dr. Kolb was the featured author in a session hosted by … read more »