Digital Citizenship Week

Each year during the third week of October, schools set aside time to emphasize and teach the importance of good digital citizenship and methods to help students become responsible digital citizens. In addition to understanding appropriate online behavior, raising awareness of proper online behavior teaches students essential skills in critical thinking, leadership, and relevant social … read more »

Let’s Get Ready for Computer Learning Month

Computer Learning Month, established in 1987 to help those unfamiliar with computers learn what computers can do for them, is fast approaching. Today’s students are digital natives and understand how to use computers to find and share information, making it vital to teach students how to evaluate and create media using five critical communication skills: understanding … read more »

Accessibility for Remote Learning

In the Middle Atlantic States, the month of September ushers in cooler weather, sweaters, pumpkin spiced lattes, apple picking, and other fall entities, but this month is significant for another important reason.  September is National Deaf Awareness Month, an observance founded to increase awareness of deaf issues, people, and culture. Both deaf and hearing allies … read more »

Celebrate the Foundations of America in Your Classroom this Fall!

Celebrate the foundations of the United States during the lead-up to the election this fall! International Day of Democracy is celebrated on September 15th, United States Constitution Day and Citizenship Day are both held on September 17th, and our National Election Day is November 3rd. International Day of Democracy was started to give the world … read more »